9/11: Ken Salazar Recognizes the Work of Mexican Rescuers
Moments like this show that beyond being partners and neighbors, we are a family, says the ambassador
Twenty-three years ago, the world stood still, witnessing the terrorist attack on the United States, the most powerful nation in the world, after the transnational jihadist group Al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial planes, crashing two into New York’s iconic Twin Towers, one into the Pentagon, and the last one in Pennsylvania.
Around 3,000 people lost their lives that day, including an unknown number of people of Mexican descent and others from various countries, as the U.S. is home to a large immigrant population.
In the face of this tragedy, solidarity came swiftly. The Mexican rescue group known as "Los Topos" traveled to the grieving neighboring nation to help recover bodies from the rubble. Today, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar praised their heroism for the assistance they provided after those events.
These men and women came to New York after the attacks to help. They are a testament to how, as a family, we support each other in times of great need. Together, we defend the values that unite us as two nations,” he expressed in a video shared on his X account.
“This attack, which claimed the lives of more than 3,000 people — Americans, Mexicans, and individuals from other countries — was not just an attack on the United States; it was an attack on the democratic values and families we cherish,” he emphasized.
In his message, Salazar referred to 9/11 as a date that demonstrates and reaffirms that beyond being partners and neighbors, the United States and Mexico are a family, a family united by enduring bonds, as well as the importance of defending shared democratic values.
Our relationship between the United States and Mexico transcends the challenges that arise from time to time in all families, but there is always respect and love in a family because we are united by ties that will never be broken", Ken Salazar stated.
The September 11 terrorist attack, the ambassador noted, impacted everyone in the United States, Mexico, and around the world.
For his part, Mexico’s Consul General in New York, Jorge Islas López, also delivered a message through the consulate’s social media, displaying the Mexican flag that was gifted to them by members of the New York Fire Department. The flag was found in the ruins of the Twin Towers, along with a commemorative plaque dedicated to the memory of the Mexican nationals who lost their lives that day.
"We remember with deep sorrow the tragic events of 2001 when the Twin Towers were destroyed, where many people lost their lives, including several of our compatriots. Today, we honor them with absolute solidarity,” he expressed.
Both, the plaque and the flag, displayed at the consulate, serve as a way to honor their memory and as a reminder of an event that should never happen again.
Angélica Simón Ugalde
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