Every 99 Minutes, a Worker Dies from Job-Related Injuries in the U.S.
4.4 Cases per 100,000 Workers Are Hispanic or Latino. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Releases 2023 Report
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 5,283 fatal workplace injuries were recorded in the United States in 2023, a 3.7% decrease from the 5,486 reported in 2022. These figures come from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI).
The rate of fatal occupational injuries was 3.5 per 100,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) workers, down from 3.7 in 2022.
In 2023, one worker lost their life every 99 minutes from a job-related injury, an increase from every 96 minutes in 2022. The leading cause of these fatalities was transportation incidents, which represented 36.8% of all workplace deaths, totaling 1,942 cases for the year.
Hispanic Workers Among the Victims
The fatal injury rate among Hispanic or Latino workers decreased from 4.6 in 2022 to 4.4 cases per 100,000 FTE workers in 2023.
Transportation incidents were the leading cause of death for both Hispanic or Latino workers (390 cases) and Black or African American workers (261 cases) in 2023.
In the private sector, the industry with the highest number of fatalities among Black or African American workers was transportation and warehousing (200). In contrast, it was construction for Hispanic or Latino workers (410).
Foreign-born Hispanic or Latino workers—immigrants—accounted for 67.1% (839) of all fatalities among Hispanic or Latino workers (1,250 total). Out of 839 deaths, 315 (37.5%) occurred in the private construction industry.
Women accounted for 8.5% (447) of all fatalities but represented 18.3% (84) of all workplace homicides in 2023.
Women experienced the highest number of deaths in the private healthcare and social assistance sector (63 cases), followed by the retail trade (59 cases).
In 2023, the highest number of fatalities was among workers aged 55 to 64, representing 20.6% of all deaths, with a total of 1,089 cases. The primary cause of death in this age group was transportation incidents, accounting for 401 cases, followed by falls, slips, and trips, which accounted for 226 cases.
Violence-related deaths totaled 740 in 2023. Homicides (458) accounted for 61.9% of violent acts and 8.7% of all workplace fatalities.
Among workers aged 25 to 34, there were 179 violence-related deaths, comprising 121 homicides and 58 suicides. Opioids were responsible for 162 deaths and played a role in an additional 144 fatalities involving multiple substances.
- The 2023 fatal injury rate for Hispanic or Latino workers was 4.4 cases per 100,000 workers.
- The 2023 fatal injury rate for Black or African American workers was 3.6 cases per 100,000 workers.
Useful Information
- The Mexican consulates in the United States have a Protection Department that can guide families if a Mexican national suffers a fatal workplace accident, regardless of the victim’s immigration status. They can contact the Information and Assistance Center for Mexicans (CIAM) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for assistance at 520-623-7874.
- Suppose a worker dies due to a work-related injury or illness. In that case, their dependents can contact their state’s workers’ compensation program to obtain details about benefits and eligibility requirements at 1-866-4-USA-DOL (1-866-487-2365) or visit the website www.dol.gov.
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