Mexican Minor Among the Victims of Georgia High School Shooting
Diplomatic personnel have contacted the family
The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) confirmed through a statement that a Mexican minor, born in the United States, is among the victims who tragically lost their lives in the mass shooting that took place this Wednesday at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia.
The MFA, through the Consulate General of Mexico in Atlanta, reported that following the shooting, the consular office activated its emergency response protocol.
Diplomatic personnel have established communication with the family of the Mexican minor to provide necessary support.
Additionally, the consulate remains in contact with local authorities to confirm the health status and nationality of the hospitalized individuals and to rule out the possibility of additional Mexican citizens being affected.
The MFA expresses its sorrow for the passing of the Mexican minor and offers its condolences to the family, as well as to the Winder community, in the wake of this tragic event.
The Government of Mexico strongly condemns this act of violence and denounces the violence caused by firearms. It reaffirms its steadfast commitment to protecting the rights of the Mexican community in the United States.
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