AMLO "Reminds" Trump of the Importance of Economic Integration Between Both Nations
In a letter addressed to the Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, he pointed out that closing the border would harm people, industry, and trade

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, released the content of a letter sent to the former president and current Republican candidate for a second term in the United States, Donald Trump, in which he reminds him that closing the border with Mexico, as expressed during his campaign, is an "undesirable" perspective that would manifest in the binational economy.
"The economic integration between our nations is so intense and widespread that taking such a measure - closing the border - would be equivalent to calling for a rebellion on both sides of the border due to the damage it would cause to people, industry, and trade... this undesirable perspective would mainly manifest in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, which along with the six Mexican border states represent the fourth largest economy in the world."
The Mexican president added that such a decision would prevent one million people and 300,000 vehicles, of which 70,000 transport goods from one country to another daily in both directions, from crossing customs and border bridges.
Furthermore, he stated that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is the only option to successfully face the competition posed by China's economic and commercial advancement.
"North America must consolidate itself as an independent region without being subject to the supply of goods and inputs from other continents [...] without the USMCA, the three nations would risk falling behind."
López Obrador emphasizes in the letter that China legitimately aims to reach 32% of the world's gross domestic product by 2040; in contrast, he said, "if the nations of North America do not unite, strengthen, and integrate, we will barely achieve 23%."
He also recalled that during the pandemic, Americans could not buy household appliances due to a lack of semiconductors that were only produced in Asia.
Regarding Donald Trump's statements about the production of vehicles and auto parts in other countries, he emphasized that it is also not convenient to manufacture all the cars consumed in the U.S. in their country since, although it is unquestionable that the U.S. possesses the experience, technology, and capital, their production costs are very high, "a situation that has been resolved with the creation of automotive and auto parts plants in our country benefiting investors, companies, workers, and U.S. consumers [...] An imported car from Mexico represents a saving of between 10 and 15 thousand dollars for an American buyer," he asserted.
In this sense, he called on his former counterpart that, in case he wins the presidency of the United States, to understand the causes of migration, help create jobs and better living conditions in the places of origin, instead of adopting unilateral measures harmful to people and economies, "it is preferable to opt for dialogue, cooperation, and agreement."
Mexico's proposal has not only consisted of orderly opening the borders in North America but also seeking the economic and commercial integration of the entire American continent, adding vast natural resources, technology, labor; taking advantage of the short distances for the transportation of goods as well as the great demand for consumer goods.
"We seek to make this continent the most powerful region in the world."
The Mexican president highlighted that the first message of the letter sent was condemning the attack suffered by Trump in recent days and justified Trump's statements by pointing out that during election times, proposals always tend more to awaken the passions of voters than to seek a balance between feelings and reasons, so they tend to speak strongly and excessively, adding that when he was president, "his role as a ruler was supportive of the treaty (USMCA) and that he always respected the nation's sovereignty."
Some Data
- 37.7 million Mexicans live in the U.S.
- 7 out of 10 agricultural workers are of Mexican origin
- 325 billion dollars was the contribution of Mexicans to the U.S. economy in 2023
- 81.5% of the total income of Mexicans stays in the United States, as only 18.5% is sent as remittances
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