In Mexico, 35% of the Population is in Labor Poverty
*This is the Lowest Level on Record: Coneval. *1.37 Million Jobs Were Created, the Highest Figure of 2024: Inegi
In Mexico, 35 percent of the total population was in a situation of labor poverty in the second quarter of this year, the lowest level on record, according to figures from the National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (Coneval).
This comes after the percentage of the population with labor income below the monetary value of the food basket (labor poverty) at the national level showed an annual reduction of 2.8 percentage points compared to the 37.8 percent reported in the same period last year.
It highlighted that since the third quarter of 2021, there have been annual decreases in labor poverty; however, the reduction in the second quarter of this year, of 2.8 percentage points, was of the same magnitude as that of the third quarter of 2023 and the largest since the first quarter of 2022, when it decreased by 3.2 percentage points.
Coneval detailed that this annual reduction in labor poverty occurred alongside an increase of 805,000 employed persons and an 8.9 percent increase in real per capita labor income.
Jobs Created and Economically Active Population
In July 2024, 1.377 million jobs were created compared to the previous month, the highest figure so far this year, and higher than in July 2021, when 1.324 million jobs were generated, according to figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
According to the National Survey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE), in the seventh month of the year, the Employed Population reached 60.326 million jobs, representing a monthly increase of 2.33 percent.
The ENOE reported a total Economically Active Population of 62.146 million people aged 15 and older who are able to work, representing an increase of 1.513 million more people able to work compared to June.
Meanwhile, the labor informality rate in the seventh month of the year, according to the ENOE, was 54.5 percent, which was 0.7 percent higher than the previous month, when it was 53.8 percent.
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