Exhibition dedicated to Olga Tamayo at the Tamayo Museum
The exhibition "Olga, a Dynamic Portrait" commemorates the 118th anniversary of Olga Tamayo's birth and the 125th anniversary of Rufino Tamayo's birth.
For the first time, the Tamayo Museum is hosting an exhibition focused on Olga Tamayo (1906-1994). In her 57 years of marriage to painter Rufino Tamayo (1899-1994), she played a significant role in acquiring works for the collection, promoting Oaxacan art, and managing the artist's works as a dealer. These actions highlight her recognized cultural contributions in the exhibition "Olga, a Dynamic Portrait," which will be open until September 15.
During a press conference, Julio César Muñoz, the exhibition's curator, explained that the show also acknowledges Olga's role in building one of Mexico's most important legacies: the formation of the country's first international art collection.
The exhibition features 150 pieces, including paintings by the artist, newspapers, magazines, books, films, and photographs. It also showcases items collected and preserved by Olga over the years, reflecting aspects of her professional life, interests, daily practices, passion for music as a pianist, and love for fashion.
"Over 60 years—57 in marriage—Olga gathered artworks and other objects that reveal aspects of her professional activities, interests, and daily life," the curator shared, describing Olga as a disciplined, dominant, and leading figure who helped shape a significant part of art history.
Olga Tamayo studied piano at the National Conservatory of Music of Mexico, where she met Rufino Tamayo while he painted the mural "El canto y la música."
"The exhibition also explores Olga Tamayo's role as a promoter, positioning her husband as an internationally recognized artist committed to the national art scene," Muñoz added, highlighting their philanthropic efforts in conceiving the museum project and building its collection.
The core of the Tamayo Museum's collection comprises over 300 works by 170 artists that Olga and Rufino Tamayo collected and donated to establish the museum. Their goal was to provide the Mexican public access to high-quality international art from all movements since World War II. The Tamayo collection includes works by artists such as Picasso, Henry Moore, and Roberto Matta.
- Olga Tamayo's six decades of work are featured in the exhibition.
- The Tamayo Archive documents a life dedicated to art and culture.
- Since its inauguration, the Rufino Tamayo Museum has continued to expand its original collection, which now comprises over a thousand works, including contemporary art.
- 150 works are on display.
- The exhibition "Olga, a Dynamic Portrait" runs from June 20, 2024, to September 15, 2024.
The Tamayo Museum is at Paseo de la Reforma 51, Bosque de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo Borough, Mexico City. It is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM and charges 90 pesos for admission.
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