Internet usage continues to grow in Mexico
For first time, more women use it than men
The number of internet users in Mexico grew by 3.9 million in 2023 compared to 2022, reaching a total of 97 million people, which is 81.2 percent of the population aged six and older.
For the first time on record, women surpassed men in internet usage; 81.4 percent of women used the web in 2023, compared to 81 percent of men.
This information comes from the 2023 National Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technologies in Households, conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi, by its acronym in Spanish) and the Federal Telecommunications Institute (FTI).
In this regard, Graciela Márquez Colín, president of Inegi, pointed out that one of the advancements is eliminating the gender gap, as 81.4 percent of women using the internet, 0.4 percent more than men, "is a small difference, but it is the first time that the percentage of female users nationwide is higher than that of men."
She noted that compared to 2020, the gap was 1.5 percent, which has now disappeared, with women surpassing men, especially in the age ranges between 18 and 54 years, with usage percentages between 83 and 92.6 percent.
Meanwhile, Javier Juárez Mojica, chairman of the FTI, highlighted that "the number of Mexicans who do not use the internet is decreasing; 12.5 million people in the country did not use it in 2023 because they did not know how. However, this represents 1.2 million fewer users compared to 2022, when 13.7 million did not use the internet."
Another advancement, he revealed, is that the number of people who lack internet access has decreased from 5.2 million in 2015 to 2.6 million in 2023, which is a reduction by half.
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