Aiming to Facilitate Last-Mile Deliveries
ProximityParks announces a 6 billion pesos investment Mexico records one of the highest e-commerce growth rates among OECD countries

For the next 10 years, e-commerce is expected to continue growing at double-digit rates, exceeding economic growth levels. As a result, ProximityParks, a company specializing in industrial parks and real estate, announced that it will invest an additional six billion pesos in Mexico over the next three years.
Mario Berlanga, CEO and co-founder of ProximityParks, explained in an interview with El Heraldo de México that since the company’s founding in 2017, they recognized the need to build last-mile industrial parks to manage the millions of products shipped daily.
He indicated that “e-commerce growth in Mexico last year was 26 percent, a very rapid increase, and one of the highest among the countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).”

He added that in 2022, e-commerce in Mexico grew by around 40 percent, while in 2021 it was 70 percent, and in 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, growth exceeded 100 percent.
For this reason, Berlanga explained that in 2017, even before the major e-commerce companies took off in Mexico, a group of investors decided to provide seed capital. They later brought on at least 47 other investors from Europe and the United States. So far, an average of five billion pesos has been invested, and over the next three years, an additional six billion pesos is expected to be invested.
ProximityParks’ plan is to continue expanding its industrial properties, which currently include 15 parks located in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey, with a portfolio size of approximately 380,000 square meters. These facilities also utilize clean energy, reduce water usage by 34 percent, and have created 2,500 jobs within those locations.
He noted that unlike warehouses located on the outskirts of cities, ProximityParks’ industrial parks were designed to be within cities, in highly connected areas, with the goal of facilitating last-mile deliveries.
Nota publicada originalmente en el Heraldo de México
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