Hurricane Milton Gains Strength, Could Make Landfall in Florida on Wednesday
U.S. authorities warn that today, Tuesday, is the last full day for residents of the state to prepare their families and evacuate if instructed to do so
According to the most recent post by the National Hurricane Center via their X account (@NWSNHC), information from the Air Force Reserve’s “Hurricane Hunters” unit indicates that Milton’s intensity has once again increased.
In this regard, it highlights that today a large area of destructive storm surge with maximum heights of 10 feet or more is expected along a portion of Florida’s west-central peninsula coast, and heavy rains over the peninsula through Thursday pose a risk of life-threatening flash and urban flooding, along with moderate to major river flooding.
Given this outlook, authorities warn that today, Tuesday, is the last full day for residents to prepare their families and evacuate if instructed to do so.
Meanwhile, Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its X account (@SRE_mx), announced that the Consulate General of Mexico in Miami and the Consulate of Mexico in Orlando have activated the emergency protocol for natural disasters in light of the imminent arrival of Hurricane Milton. They urge the Mexican community to follow announcements and take action.
Recommendations for the Mexican community are:
- Have an evacuation plan in place in case authorities order evacuations in the most affected areas.
- Prepare an emergency kit for you and your family with all essential items.
- Protect vulnerable people, such as the elderly, people with disabilities, and children.
- Avoid being near the coast and beaches at all times.
- Keep all your documents and identification in a safe place.
For assistance, the following phone numbers are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week:
- 24-hour InformationCIAM (Center for Information and Assistance to Mexicans): (520) 623 7874
- Protection for Mexicans: (305) 979 1534
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